After the overall design of the garden is completed, we will start to equip the corresponding series of furniture. With the demand for garden outdoor furniture, there is a wide selection of garden furniture available on the market. Choosing a selectional garden furniture not only can beautify the environment, but also can make people be more comfortable to enjoy the beauty of the garden.
Generally speaking, outdoor furniture should be moisture-proof and moisture-proof, which is also stong and not easy to be dameged. rattan furniture, alunimium outdoor furniture, rope outdoor furniture as well as teak outdoor furniture are popular choices. These outdoor garden furniture's service life is long commonly. And if you maintain those ourdoor furniture properly, their service life would be longer.
Generally teak outdoor furniture and rattan furniture are dried and anticorrosive in the manufacturing process, and the materials are natural, green and environmental friendly, as well as the color is natural and suitable for garden. The product is not easy to change color after processing with anti-mildew anti-insect anti-corrosion effect characteristics, which would be the first choice for most people. And drawback is the influence that time is long furniture can suffer environmental climate, high temperature can make furniture easy craze, had better be to use this kind of furniture in the place of dry ventilated environment so, avoid sunshine point-blank. Damp climate will make furniture worms mildew bacteria need to be cleaned up from time to time, so appropriate care is necessary, when cleaning can be wiped clean with water or salt water, to be dried properly coated with a layer of light oil to make protection.