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Commonly Seen Outdoor Furniture Style And Material Description

Views: 7     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 12-05-2022      Origin: Site

As people pay more attention to the balcony, outdoor furniture also to be used frequently at open balcony. But outdoor furniture's style is different, how to choose the right outdoor furniture for the balcony?What pits can be avoided? Let's have a look!


Choose outdoor furniture by style.

From the choice of furniture, people's aesthetic requirements of furniture are higher, as well as the experience is more strict. Outdoor furniture is not exceptional, which is not oly request practical function, but also with high exterior level and home decoration collocation function provided.

For example, some outdoor furniture, with its modern style and bright colours, suits modern houses and their gardens,but looks out of place in the garden of a traditional home. Any other outdoor furniture has very strong design feeling, but collocation is neither fish nor fowl. Why this happen? Do you really know the style of outdoor furniture? How to make outdoor furniture and household adornment collocation already practical beautiful effect? You need to learn more information about outdoor furniture style.

Outdoor furniture 's design style can be divided into traditional style, modern style, post-modern style, natural style and mixed style. Many people mix all kinds of styles, but it is not satisfactory. After understanding the choice of style and material, when choosing outdoor furniture, you can determine the material according to the overall decorative style, and finally choose the product you like.

In this way, outdoor furniture and home decor will not look mismatched, especially balconies and terraces, which are closer to the home decor style, outdoor furniture must adapt to their original style and complement.

Choose outdoor furniture.
Outdoor furniture is mainly made of metal, wood, rattan, plastic and so on. Each kind of material has its own advantage. You can choose it according to your own need.
If the furniture need to be placed on a soft lawn, do not choose outdoor furniture with a cork frame. Since cork can absorb moisture and cause frame damage. For hard floors, choose furniture with a cork frame. The outdoor activity area has no parasols, direct sunlight, and the choice of iron furniture will be more resistant to exposure than wooden furniture. In wet and rainy places, plastic outdoor furniture can be a good choice.

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